Workshop – Paradise Now! Climate Justice and Radical Education

As part of our seasonal Resource Library workshop programme, on Saturday 15th April 11-2pm, Hussein Mitha will be leading a learning and making workshop on climate justice and radical pedagogy.
This workshop will support the launch of a new publication, called ‘Paradise Now: A Climate Justice Handbook for Young People.’ The publication comes from a 7-month residency at Deveron Projects where Hussein focused on engaging young people in Huntly with climate justice movements. The project formed a new climate justice youth group – a group of young people based in and around Huntly who created a manifesto which they launched publicly in the Town Square in September last year.
The session will be divided into two parts. We will start with a presentation of the zine and a discussion of recent climate literature, followed by a lunch break (with lunch provided by our neighbours Soul Food Sisters). During the second part of the session, we will focus on translating this learning into action and begin creatively developing learning materials that can be passed on to youth groups.
This workshop is open to climate activists, adults who work with young people, and anyone hoping to learn more.
Our space is wheel chair accessible.
We have some bursaries to cover transport within Glasgow and child care. Please get in touch with us at if you need these or require any more access information.
The lunch will be vegan, gluten free and nut free.