Tiny Revolutions: working against habit – With Kate Timney

On Saturday the 18th January 2025 2 – 4pm, Kate Timney and Market Gallery invite interdisciplinary practitioners (artists, makers, musicians, writers, creatives of all stripes) to reinvigorate a project that has come to a halt, or to generate possibilities around an idea that has not yet taken form
Influenced by Animal Joy, Nuar Alsadir’s exploration of laughter and failure in the creative process (currently available in Market Gallery’s Resource Library), and drawing on Kate’s ongoing research into process and flow, this workshop will explore play, looseness and doubt as pathways to new territory. We will work through a series of playful exercises across writing and drawing to find freshness and dislodge new aspects of your project.
The workshop will be fast-paced and light-hearted, at ‘the speed of fun, faster than your worry, louder than your critic’1. There will be space for conversations around process and nascent ideas, and there will be no pressure to share work made in the workshop. No prior experience in writing or drawing is necessary.
As a guiding tool for the exercises, please bring along an object that relates in some way to your project/idea.
This workshop is free but ticketed. Interested parties are invited to apply using the Google form link. The session will take place in our space at 13 Ross Street, which is wheelchair accessible and has an accessible gender neutral toilet. Hot drinks and snacks will be provided. We have travel and childcare bursaries available, please get in touch on market@marketgallery.org to request them.
This event is a response to Market Gallery’s Resource Library, a small lending library home to a growing collection of books on anti-racism and solidarity across global political movements. The library functions as an educational resource where learning and conversations can take place.
Kate Timney is an artist and writer based in Glasgow, working across writing, creative publishing, drawing and printmaking, and art education. She is editor of art writing journal Pala (@pala.press), and lectures in Fine Art and Communication Design.
Her current research interests include: class, personal histories and post-industrial landscape; DIY and artists’ publishing; auto-theory and working-class life-writing; creativity, ideation and flow in arts education.
- Bayes, Christopher, in Animal Joy by Nuar Alsadir (London: Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2022), 10 ↩︎