Resource Library

November 28, 2022 12:06 pm

Our Resource Library is a small lending library home to a growing collection of books, including writing on anti-racism, solidarity across global movements, anti-carceral justice, world-building, disability and access, cultural theory, ecology, and artists’ publications. 

The library grows in parallel to the committee’s research interests and in collaboration with the artists we work with, acting as a programming tool, educational resource, and community space where learning and conversation can take place. 

Recent artist-led events in response to our Resource Library include: Celestial Bodies, Ocean Songs: Gestational Sound Space with Grace Browne, How Do You Remember? On Memory and Felt Knowledge with Emmy Yoneda, and Tiny Revolutions: Working Against Habit by Kate Timney.  

We welcome book donations and suggestions of books you would like to access, so if you would like to suggest or donate a book please fill in this form. 



13 Ross St, G1 5AR Glasgow

Browsing/ Opening Hours:

Wednesdays 10am-5pm, or during public events. 

Book borrowing and returns

You may borrow up to two books at a time, with a borrowing window of 90 days. Upon collecting the book/s you will receive a pre-paid envelope through which you can return the book/s if you are unable to return in person. 

After the end of the borrowing window, renewals can be made but they will be dependent on the waiting list for each book

Full book catalogue

The full book catalogue and availability can be found here.

Our Catalogue

Photographs by Sean Patrick Campbell