Reader Residency 2024 | Harvey Dimond

Left: Outeniqua waters, digital photograph, 2023, courtesy of the artist/ Right: Sedee, digital collage, 2021 courtesy of the artist.
We are excited to host Harvey Dimond for the Market Gallery Reader Residency 2024. Harvey will be working alongside the Resource Library at Market Gallery across February and March.
Harvey Dimond is a British-Barbadian writer, editor, curator and artist based between Glasgow and Johannesburg. Their practice examines queer ecologies and the entangled histories and trajectories of settler (neo)colonialism and the climate crisis.
For this residency Harvey will position libraries as ecologies, examining their historical and contemporary power to resist. This works from the understanding that physical texts should be understood as active de-colonial agents. This is inspired by viewing historical documentation of books declared anti-imperial or otherwise ‘undesirable’ by the British colonial administration being disposed of in the ocean waters that surrounded colonial port settlements such as Cape Town.
The Reader Residency is an opportunity to respond to the Resource Library, offering the artist the chance to research, create and interact with the Library itself, at their own pace. This residency is an invitation to reflect on work that has come before, and to open up new discussions around the importance of reading through this time of environmental, social, political and creative apocalypses.