Is Either My Needs or My Dreams! | Javier Calderon

Talk & Screening curated by Javier Calderon.
Saturday 10th of June, 3pm.
Market Gallery is excited to be hosting Javier Calderon, Director of Chalton Gallery (London), for the next of our Night School events. Javier will be speaking about the highs and lows of setting up the gallery, and about other curatorial projects across the UK and Mexico.
In Javier’s words “Chalton Gallery and Projects are dreams; dreams that come at the costs of needs; dreams for making things happen; dreams that open up new doors. Dreams to show underrepresented Mexican artists in the UK, dreams to showcase UK based artists to Mexican audiences, dreams to provide artists with their dreams of traveling to Mexico or to come to the UK and of course personal dreams.”
Opening in July 2015 Chalton Gallery has quickly gained a renowned reputation for producing an ambitious programme of exhibitions and events, in addition to off-site projects and residencies in Mexico as Chalton Projects. The gallery’s programme is dedicated to showcase art from Mexico from the last 40 years and the work of recent UK based graduate artists.
The event will begin with a curated screening showing work by artists Javier has collaborated with in the past, these include Rebecca Lennon, Guy Oliver, Paola Weiss, Gregorio Rocha and Sara Minter. Following the screening, Javier will give a talk about Chalton’s short but hyper-dynamic history.