GFF | Market Gallery Shorts

GFF: Market Gallery Shorts
A programme of curated short films by artist filmmakers at Market Gallery.
Jonathan Monaghan’s short films combine high end computer animation with surreal and fantastical scenes drawn from popular culture and Western history. Tessa Power’s short work fuses ideas about contemporary space travel and humans supposed control over nature with representation of space within cinema. The film is an incongruent montage of borrowed scientific footage, cinematic sounds and the artist’s own footage. Throughout a year, Julie Born Schwartz visited 71 year old Danish author, Niels Rydung, several times at his apartment where he has sought to create an “atmosphere of eroticism” in his rooms. Max Swinton is an artist and film maker based in Scotland. His work is all about how life is a great and terrible thing that should always be approached with humour.
Dauphin 007 Jonathan Monaghan (USA) 2011, 3 mins, English
Sacrifice of the Mushroom Kings Jonathan Monaghan (USA) 2012, 7 mins, English
Rainbow Narcosis Jonathan Monaghan (USA) 2012, 10 mins , English
The future is a trailer for a film that doesn’t exist Tessa Power (UK), 2012, 2.44 mins, English
Leda and the Swan Julie Born Schwartz (DK) 2009, 10.56 min
Idea for Television Program Max Swinton (UK) 2012, 1.43 mins, English.