Call out for Committee Members

June 20, 2022 1:20 pm
A gallery's window painted in yellow with he text Free Market Resource Room in blue capital letters reading backwards as the photograph is taken from the inside. In a corner there is a big photocopy machine.

Opens: Monday 20th June 2022

Closes: Wednesday 6th July 2022 at midnight.

Market Gallery is looking for two new committee members – one role beginning in September 2022 and the other one in November 2022 with a monthly remuneration of £419.

About Market Gallery: 

Market Gallery is an artist-run space currently housed in Many studios in Glasgow’s East End, established in 2000 and currently run by a committee of Artist Programmers, a Programme Facilitator and Board of Trustees. The committee works collaboratively to produce a yearly programme of exhibitions, events, artist residencies and talks. We aim to support the local art community, and to provide an accessible platform for the discussion and experience of contemporary art in Glasgow and internationally. 

About the role:

The committee term is a two-year position that offers an opportunity to develop research interests and programme collaboratively in a non-hierarchical environment. Committee members are responsible for all aspects of the daily running of the organisation alongside the Programme Facilitator, and lead on the decision making about the future of the gallery, gaining experience in a multitude of fields. 

The committee focus includes programming and research, archiving, event organisation and delivery, marketing and outreach, artist liaison and reporting.

The committee is supported by Programme Facilitator Ane Lopez –  as the title states, Ane facilitates the programming taking care of administrative duties, finance, event production and communication with artists, collaborators and funding partners, amongst other duties. 

The Board of Trustees supports and advises the committee in crucial decisions and or changes affecting the future of the gallery. In normal circumstances, these meetings happen quarterly.

Committee meet at least one a week and we are looking for people who are happy to work within a small team. Our current committee size is a group of four, expanding towards five. Committee members are expected to have an interest in (broadly defined) contemporary art and be able to dedicate approximately 8 hours a week, including the weekly meeting, as well as a day of independent or sub-committee work. This commitment may fluctuate according to the programme of events and may include weekends and evenings. 

We have recently moved out of our original space at Duke st, where we were housed for more than 20 years and we now have a studio space at Many Studios. We use this new space internally, as an office, storage and archive. This means that for the foreseeable future our programme will be nomadic and or online, taking place in spaces across the city and working through partnership with different organisations; thus marking a very interesting point in Market’s history for upcoming committee members, who would be contributing crucially in this new way of working. 

We are currently funded by Creative Scotland with a secured funding year until April 2023, the next funding year will be a responsibility of the upcoming committee with the help of Creative Scotland.

One of our ongoing projects is an Anti-Racism Resource Library, where we are hosting workshops to activate and expand resources. We are looking for ways to keep this resource accessible since losing our public-facing space.   

Discussion of Artist Run Spaces

The gallery has been engaged in a period of review, reflection and critique of our governance and operational structure of what an Artist Run Space is and can be, through a pilot scheme led by Creative Scotland. 

We will continue our research and participation in discussions surrounding the sustainability of artist-run models, including conversations around artistic labour, fair pay, institutional racism, exclusion and privilege, transparency and accessibility. We welcome applications from those who are keen to be involved in these discussions.

Committee is remunerated at £419 per month, this amount is stemmed from a calculation from a pilot funding from CS. The amount is reviewed yearly. Committee is also supported in research and professional development, where you have a small budget that can pay for short term mentorship, a course, books etc. There will also be a partially to fully funded research trip during your committeeship.


As public activities have opened up we have our weekly meeting in person with occasional meetings happening remotely, which depend on the committee and Programme Facilitator’s availability. We will continuously assess the situation and update our protocols as and when relevant. If you have any concerns related to this please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

How to Apply:

To apply, please email with the subject heading “Committee Member Open Call 2022” with a CV and a short statement outlining your reasons for wanting to join the committee (300 words max), by Wednesday 6th July at midnight. Meetings will be arranged for the following weeks.

If you have any questions or wish to submit an application in an alternative form (video, audio etc) please email

*Please note that applicants in full-time education will not be considered.*

We believe in equality of access to professional opportunities, and thus particularly encourage applications from members of minority ethnic groups, and those who are otherwise currently underrepresented in media and the visual arts. 

Our current workspace has a staircase to access the floor where the studios are and a step to enter the studio space itself, which makes it not wheelchair accessible. We would hope to improve this in the future and will prioritise our next space to be fully accessible.  

Please direct any questions or queries to and the committee or Ane will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as possible.

Image Id: A gallery’s window painted in yellow with he text Free Market Resource Room in blue capital letters reading backwards as the photograph is taken from the inside. In a corner there is a big photocopy machine.