“all the monstrous islands / all the trembling people” | a writing workshop with Maya Uppal

Saturday 24th February 12-2.30pm – “all the monstrous islands / all the trembling people” a writing workshop led by Maya Uppal focused on islands, cultural isolationism and world-building.
This workshop will be guided by research into how islands can be defined not only as land contained by water but as any deliberately isolated place, both physical and imaginary. We will examine how people are affected by isolationism and how island-like environments are created in metaphorical spaces like political echo chambers, tequila adverts, and reality TV.
Participants will be free to examine resources throughout the session and will be invited to respond to them through creative writing prompts which they can use or ignore. The workshop will contain both points of discussion and time to write, there is no expectation to share.
This workshop is free but ticketed. We particularly welcome people of colour to attend but it is open to all who wish to come. No prior writing experience needed.
Access: Market Gallery is located at 13 Ross Street on a street facing space that is wheelchair accessible and is equipped with wheelchair accessible toilets. The session is relaxed and will include breaks throughout. Lunch and hot drinks will be provided. We have travel and childcare bursaries available, please get in touch to request these and discuss any other access requirements on market@marketgallery.org
Maya Uppal is a poet and workshop facilitator, based in Glasgow. Their current research is a form of creative Art History aimed at exploring political and national identities through different temporal lenses by re-imagining the contexts of archived stories and objects. Their poetry can be found in SPAM, MUCK, Mellom Press, Gutter Magazine, David Dale Gallery and Brilliant Vibrating Interface.